Share the Love. Donate Now.
Help our partners focus on education, health, and sustainable livelihoods.
raised towards $75,000 goal
Days Left
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Help our partners focus on education, health, and sustainable livelihoods.
Natik and our partners are growing into the future.
Natik partners with grassroots organizations that engage in practical solutions to the local challenges of education, health, and sustainable livelihoods in Guatemala and Mexico. That's a strong combination to confront the effects of generational poverty.
The visionary leadership and selfless courage of our partners are inspirational examples of how powerful local ingenuity and altruism can be.
Natik's support includes fundraising, communication, administration, accounting, strategic and program planning, and implementation.
Our partners' strength and resilience have inspired us to invest in a long-term commitment to help them achieve their vision to build local, sustainable infrastructures. When our partners are strong, they become mentors and examples to others and our collaborative investment multiplies generationally and regionally.
Gratitude for our collective potential is at the center of all we do. Generosity will look different for everyone during these uncertain times. Any gift you make, regardless of its amount, will contribute toward impacting the children, youth, and families in the Mayan Indigenous communities Natik supports
The story of Natik is, and always will be, a love story that includes all of us.
General Fund Donations will go where needed most.
Checks may be mailed to Natik Esperanza, 2700 Mayan Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
For special inquiries, information about direct-deposits, corporate matching plans, or to contribute your professional expertise, email us at
Natik has Guidestar's Platinum Seal
Natik is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible.